After enjoying the Museum of Natural History's Sonic Vision, we went to dinner at Flor de May for cheap, fast, solid food. The place gets pretty crowded, but the 10 minute wait for 2 on a Saturday was not terrible especially when ordering a pitcher of Sangria with freshly cut fruit from the bar. Flor de May is a no-frills Peuvian and Chinese restaurant. Not so strange when you think about the large Chinese immigrant population in Peru. The menu is divided by cuisine, general Spanish food, Chinese food, and Peruvian specialties. A mixed ceviche was passable, but very one-dimensional and lacking hom
iny/sweet potato/typical accoutremonts.
A Peruvian special of the night was a stewed cabrito. They translated this in English to lamb, when it is actually goat. A harmless error as the sauce was spicy and the meat was tender.
A Peruvian special of the night was a stewed cabrito. They translated this in English to lamb, when it is actually goat. A harmless error as the sauce was spicy and the meat was tender.
The menu claims that the roast chicken is award winning. You can never really go wrong with a nice Peruvian pollo a la brasa. Here is did not disappoint. The skin was crispy (and the best part), the meat was moist, and for about $10 for 1/2 a chicken with some enjoyably fried rice (and stupid salad)- this is a safe platter to order and is just the right amount of food.