Way boozier than last year, but maybe a little less yummy? The space did a decent job at accommodating everyone. I used a strategy of sharing when possible to get the maximum amount of restaurants sampling.
Fette Sau: fave! I am pretty sure either they ran out or the line was too long last year, but I made sure to wait for their dish this year. The pastramified beef cheek was absolutely outstanding. Bursting with the flavors of pastrami we all know and love but with the extra savoryness of the beef. They do say cheek is the new belly, right? (to the biotch who tried to cut in line- you did a bad job at pretending you were sorry)
Baoguette: They brought it. Both the sloppy joe and the pork banh mi were exceptionally flavorful. I will definitely be ordering from them soon.
Porchetta: I was going to pass on this one because I was not impressed with the platter at their restaurant, but my parents started raving about their little sandwiches so I had to steal a bit. They were on tonight, the porchetta was really fabulous. Maybe I owe them another chance.
Cafe Glechik: Shockingly awesome desserts of sour cherry dumpling and napoleon, I couldn't stop eating them. They also had a savory dish of sausage that was good as well.
Bar Bao: Spicy beef salad that rocked
Margon: They may have had the biggest selection. The little cubanos packed a lot of flavor. The octopus salad and fried chicken were also nice.
AM Thai Chili Basil Kitchen: The chicken salad thing was a memorable dish, with typical strong thai flavors one would expect at a place that knows what they are doing
No 7: The dessert they were offering was delicious as well as inventive- vanilla pudding with miso glazed bananas.
Motorino: Awesome jelly bombolini, messy too- my bib came in handy
Momofuku Milk Bar: I was pretty sure that they were going to half ass it, and they did. Oh well, I stashed a cornflake cookie in my bag and look forward to eating it later.
Kuma Inn: They went with a tofu dish that was very well done, but I was really hoping they would bring some lechon instead.
Fatty Crab: The chicken coconut curryish thing was good and the little crunchy things were even great. But I don't understand why the don't chose to bring something more impressive- the watermelon pork belly salad would be the perfect crowd pleaser.
Smoke Joint: Well what doesn't taste good when cooked for hours and smothered in bbq sauce. Thought the pulled pork itself lacked flavor.
Kampuchea: Brought some ok chicken wings, kinda disappointing since last year they were my favorite with a spectacular rib dish
Upset that Dirt Candy and Pinche Taqueria ran out before I got to them. Pinche tried serving quesadillas to make up for it- no thanks.
Alcohol including a crap load of wine, beer (hennepin, framboise, smutty nose, alagash, chimay, magic hat), booze (gin, vodkas, mixed drinks, organics, bourbon, tequilla) Way more impressive than the options of beer+ jaegermeister+fragioli (eww) of last year
Village Voice did a fab job, providing much needed bibs and even silly putty. Worth the $35 fo sho.
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