Since my move to Philly for law school and my blog obligations to my baby Midtown Lunch Philly, Fressa Girl dried up and became the neglected old maid who I forget to send greeting cards to on holidays. Some things have changed since I started this blog 3 1/2 years ago. I have a J.D. now... which is super great because it means I have the Bar exam in a few weeks followed by unemployment for an unknown duration. Other things haven't changed, food still makes me the most happy. So, since my readers are long gone, I may start posting the recipes and crafting that I do when I am procrastinating, just to keep track.
I'll start off with a sad story/ recent food creation. Someone stole my basil plant off my front stoop! Who does that? Before he was taken from me I was able to use his lovely leaves in a scape basil pesto. I got the scaped for a dolla at the farmers market. Most pesto recipes call for pine nuts. But pine nuts are expensive! So I substituted sunflower seeds and a handful of my roommates almonds. I threw in some frozen shrimp and lima beans for added protein. It works. I hope my basil is being properly maintained and watered with care in this heat wave. What a jerk.
2 years ago