[yiddish] To eat like an animal, i.e., quickly, noisily, and in great quantity.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Things These Days (3 1/2 Year Update)

Since my move to Philly for law school and my blog obligations to my baby Midtown Lunch Philly, Fressa Girl dried up and became the neglected old maid who I forget to send greeting cards to on holidays. Some things have changed since I started this blog 3 1/2 years ago. I have a J.D. now... which is super great because it means I have the Bar exam in a few weeks followed by unemployment for an unknown duration. Other things haven't changed, food still makes me the most happy. So, since my readers are long gone, I may start posting the recipes and crafting that I do when I am procrastinating, just to keep track.

I'll start off with a sad story/ recent food creation. Someone stole my basil plant off my front stoop! Who does that? Before he was taken from me I was able to use his lovely leaves in a scape basil pesto. I got the scaped for a dolla at the farmers market. Most pesto recipes call for pine nuts. But pine nuts are expensive! So I substituted sunflower seeds and a handful of my roommates almonds.  I threw in some frozen shrimp and lima beans for added protein. It works. I hope my basil is being properly maintained and watered with care in this heat wave. What a jerk.